Saturday 3 May 2014

DIY KLX250s Carb Mods


92143-1667--------Needle Collar (required for N1TC needle)

92037-1401--------Clamp, Needle Jet (Clip, required for N1TC needle

92063-1069--------#125 Main Jet

92063-1074--------#128 Main Jet

part #- 92064-1108---- pilot jet #40

14073-1577--------Duct, Inlet (KDX200 Snorkel)

Currently Im running a 125 main, that n1tc needle with collar on the second notch, and air fuel screw 2.5 turns out (need to drill out a cap covering screw)and stock pilot. Also, drill the small hole in the carb's slide with a #32 drill. This is with a kdx snorkel, uni filter and 2 brothers exhaust at about 500-800 ft elevation.

I put a kdx snorkel on which lets in about twice as much air as the stocker, and is a direct fit.

All these parts can be found at

Bike rips a lot better now, but am thinkin of upping the pilot to a 40 (next size up from stock 35) and of uppin the main from the 125 i have in (118 stock) to a 128 to see if i can get a little more out of it.

If you go with the Dynojet kit instead of oem kawi parts, just be aware that the jet sizes, even though labeled the same size, differ between the two. For example a 128 in the DJ kit isn't the same size as a kawi 128. There are slight jet size diferences between the two. (don't remember which is bigger than the other).

You can find loads of info at on this bike, I belong there and there are countless threads on modding the klx.